There is nothing like a video camera as a tool to improve style - we use video in everything Course as a tool to watch and upgrade the body language, the performance, intonation and time management of the participants.
in terms of stage fright, the fifth lesson bCourse, where we work with a video camera is also the stage where overcoming stage fright It has reached the point where the camera is already necessary as a tool to increase the pressure on the students.
Also, the video lesson comes after the fourth lesson where we also learned (among other things) how to analyze speeches and give feedback to each other, so the students can actually practice analyzing a speech of one of their friends and then compare it to the recording. In this way each of them improves the The performance in front of an audience of himself and his friend
The last thing we will do in this class is to prepare the presentation class that will be next week, when each student will indicate what the topic will be about and will receive feedback and suggestions for improving and adjusting their message.