Public speaking course in English - 10/11 beginners₪3,900.00
Is your English failing in front of an audience? You have come to the right place! In one course, you will upgrade both your English, your confidence, and your performance. Since 2007, our courses take advantage of the synergy between speaking...
Standard evening course for performing in front of an audience - opening on 9/17₪4,900.00
The course that taught thousands of Israelis to stand confidently in front of any audience, speak effectively and professionally, and overcome audience anxiety. This is the only course that since 2007 is committed to improving confidence and professionalism...
Morning course for performing in front of an audience - from 16/8₪4,900.00
The fastest and most effective public speaking course with a special offer ο Moderator: Guy Yariv ο Times: every Friday morning (12:30 - 9:30) ο Place: The public speaking school...
One-time CBT workshop for fear of crowds and social anxiety - 1/11 at 9:30₪299.00
A first workshop of its kind that combines public speaking skills with techniques for overcoming public fear from the field of cognitive behavioral psychology (CBT). During the workshop we will learn to feel more comfortable with speaking in front of an audience...
Practice sessions in front of an audience - every Sunday₪399.00
Get to know the strengthening sessions. Let's combine personal mentoring with group practice. Every student, graduate or candidate is invited to come every Sunday. We will assign him a mentor from among our graduates. someone…
A hybrid course for public speaking₪1,900.00
Learn to speak in front of an audience the fastest, most effective and most profitable hybrid course: practice in class, learn online weekly practice session on campus flexible digital course at your own pace. In your budget to speak to…
Premium course for standing in front of an audience - 9/8₪5,900.00
The most extended and comprehensive public speaking course. For those who owe the best results:
More lessons, more practice in each lesson, and close personal supervision! -
Advocacy skills - a course for organizations and colleges₪20,000.00
A face-to-face course of 6 two-hour sessions. The participants will learn and act practically to represent the country and themselves both with positive messages for the benefit of the national effort, and in defense against negative messages used against us....
Workshop dealing with stress and negative emotions₪390.00
"From perfect to excellent" workshop - for your personal and professional success. Very nice, I'm Eitan Melker, leader of the empowerment sessions, guide in the presentation workshops - and a graduate of the May 2015 class of the School of Speaking with...
Workshop for voice development in speaking against audience fear - 11/9₪199.00
Successful speaking in front of an audience begins with speaking. in getting words out of the mouth. When the words come out too weak, monotonous or tired, the message to the audience will also be weak, or tiring. Fortunately, improving the use of…
Self-marketing - how to present yourself better 8/17₪399.00
The workshop is over - you can participate online at a discount of 80%! A workshop that will change your career: how to market yourself and feel comfortable! Date: Thursday, August 17 Time: 18:30 -...
Speaking course in front of an audience in the north - 20/5₪4,900.00
A once-in-7-year opportunity: an extended public speaking course in the Galilee. Come and upgrade your public speaking skills and self-confidence with the help of a professional framework, powerful techniques, personal guidance, and lots of practice in front of an audience...
30/10 Concentrated track: speaking in front of an audience within one week₪3,900.00
Want to speak in front of an audience and don't have eight weeks? The concentrated course allows you to cram half a course into one concentrated week, and get a drastic improvement within one week. How It Works? all…
For organizations: public speaking course in English₪19,000.00
Instructor: Guy Yariv Place: 127 Bialik St. (next to the diamond exchange) Times: Sundays, 18:00-22:00 Opening: August 5 Tuition: 2,900 NIS Register now For an English Syllabus...
Sermons and Torah course in Jerusalem - 11/16₪3,900.00
A special practical course for rabbis, teachers, lecturers and any religious person who wants to develop in his Torah performance, and in speaking in front of an audience. The course takes place in Ko'il in Jerusalem, and participants from abroad are invited.. In the course we will learn and practice techniques for making demands and speeches...
Debate workshop for beginners₪200.00
Debate is a type of intellectual 'sport' that teaches the participants how to argue and win arguments in a respectable manner, and in addition it provides a fascinating collection of skills: ability to think 'on the fly', confidence in front of an audience, ability to articulate...