Welcome to the art of speech and persuasion course. This page is the center of the theoretical content of the rhetoric course - which accompany the practice and feedback in the 'real' public speaking course
For students enrolled in the course:
The purpose of the site is to help you prepare for classes as well as repeat material or get additional clarifications for classes. The articles and lesson plans are not a substitute for participation and practice in class. I especially recommend before each lesson to go over the material of the upcoming lesson and the material of the previous lesson.
For readers who are not registered for the course
The site presents theoretical tools that can (with the help of appropriate practice) help you improve your persuasiveness. I recommend reading the site gradually when you go through one chapter each week and try to practice it. Of course, don't expect the online course to be as helpful as a real course, but with proper reading and practice, it definitely helps.
If you want to practice the techniques practically, you are welcome for the practice sessions Our open, and you are also welcome to study the The speech course in a practical way.
rate |
Topic |
The content of the lesson |
1 |
content: Familiarity, order and structure skills - brainstorming > filtering > arranging style: |
2 |
Content: Argument development, correct use in examples andexplanations, self discipline |
3 |
Content: The Art of Contradiction- Building counterarguments, refuting the words of the opponent Style: hand gestures |
4 |
Content: How to deal with questions and interruptions during the speech (For the advanced, to debate) |
5 |
Content: How to prepare a debate together - definition of roles, division of work, |
6 |
Video practice |
Content: Speaking to the camera is different from speaking to an audience. In this lesson we will practice and watch the video |
7 |
Content: How to plan a speech, gather information, organize information and statistics |
8 |
Content: how to 'read' the audience and adapt yourself to it |
9 |
Content: what is the difference between a presentation and a speech, drafting a presentation, using animation |
10 |
self feedback + Video practice |
Content: How to evaluate your own speech by watching the video |