Makeup tips for a TV appearance - for men
In collaboration with Elit Ashkenazi, an experienced paramedical beautician, and a make-up artist from Dopalmat 050-7558360
This article starts from the premise that men do not like to wear makeup and do not know how to wear makeup. The reason is that on a daily basis, makeup is a feminine activity, and men see it as disguise and hiding, which is very unmanly. Even those men who do wear make-up and who groom themselves too much, such as Miki Bogani and Shlomi Saranga are projecting... Leave, I don't want libel lawsuits. You get the idea. |
workshop: How to switch screens on TV |
But on television, the rules are different - those who come without make-up do not go on air because no show wants participants who look like zombies. Also, a series of humiliations suffered by men who did not keep to themselves (eg the loss of Peres, who refused to hide bags under his eyes to Netanyahu in their confrontation in 1996 or John Kennedy's victory over Richard Nixon who refused to shave before the broadcast) taught a painful lesson.
Therefore, nowadays everyone who appears on television appears with makeup, and those who want to gain a competitive advantage need to understand more about how to look and what mistakes to avoid. As mentioned, there are 4 elements in photography that require us to wear makeup:
- A strong light that reveals flaws that are not normally seen
- A very close shot, reveals many things
- Heating causes sweating which causes a shine in the light and blinds the camera
- Small defects in the structure of the skulls are more noticeable in the photograph because it is two-dimensional
Interview on the street, in the office or at a public event
Sometimes the television catches you without prior planning - as the 'man on the street', or a participant in an event or as a professional, or even, not on us, as a suspect brought in for remand. In these cases, of course, there is nothing to talk about makeup, so you have to do without.
- Ask the photographer to avoid close-ups, even ask to be photographed together with the interviewer so that it is relatively far away
- Ask for filters on the camera (the photographer will know what it is, and there is a good chance that he has)
Appearing on a TV show
Most of the shows are filmed in the studio you come to and not him to you. All studios have makeup artists and their job is to make you look good. The problem is that they have a lot of other 'clients' besides you and they will usually only have a few minutes with you. With proper work, this time can be made more effective. So here are some tips for working with the studio's makeup artist:
- Listen to the makeup artist- She understands more than you and she will know what to do anyway.
- cleanliness - Before you get to her, make sure you wash your face well. If there is no choice also in the bathroom of the studio with their hand soap, but it is advisable to ask her for a more reasonable soap.
- Makeup - First of all, the make-up artist will put make-up on you. It is a type of cream (sometimes actually a liquid), a basic cover for the facial skin, which makes the face smooth and hides blemishes such as spots, scars, and also freckles or small tattoo inscriptions.
- Emphasis on the tanned - match the make-up color of the face to the color of the neck and chest, especially in the summer when there is a difference in the shade of the tan. In general, you should not come with a 'neckline' and it is better to come with a tie or a button-down shirt.
- powder - They will put powder on your make-up. Lots and lots of powder. It's a powder that sets the make-up and makes the skin not shiny (especially important in front of hot cameras). The amount of powder they put on TV is huge compared to what even girls put on every day, and even so the powder needs to be renewed every so often - usually they will do it every commercial break.
- blush - Not everyone should. Some people look very pale with only make-up and powder. Usually the studio's makeup artist is the most professional on the subject (more than your friend or mother or aunt), but if you appear a lot you should check with a professional in advance.
- lipstick - Men don't like it very much, but when there is make-up and powder on the face, lipstick will often be needed as well. There is no need to put something bright or strong, you can be satisfied with something that is the natural color.
- eyebrows - There is no time in the studio to separate if you have a single eyebrow or to shape it, but the makeup artist can certainly make sure that they are at least aligned and don't jump out. If she doesn't, you can remind her.
- hair - It is precisely here that many times you know the hairstyle that is more comfortable for you, so even though the makeup artist will comb your hair, she will definitely allow you to comb your hair yourself.
- baldness - treat it like a part of the face - both make-up and powder, because it is very noticeable
- an old - There is not much to do in the studio, make sure you arrive with the shave with which you want to be photographed, and it is desirable to renew it if the last shave was a few hours ago.
What to do the day before a photo shoot
If you know in advance of the shooting date there are some simple steps you can take to improve the performance, even within 24 hours. In such a case, it is important to observe the following:
- sleep - Sleep well so you don't end up with bags under your eyes. Sleep also improves skin texture and makes skin look more alive.
- shaving - It is advisable to shave as close as possible to the photo itself, a close and tight shave in both directions. It is advisable to shave with a new blade so as not to create redness,
- face cream - Nothing to do - it works. It is recommended not to skimp and buy a normal cream (don't take body cream or hand cream from home).
- tanning - Do not get sunburned.
- Do not drink a large amount of alcohol in the 24 hours before because it dries the skin. Be careful with caffeine too.
When to go to the beautician
If you really want to improve your appearance - whether it is important, or because your situation requires it, or because you are very stressed, treatment by a beautician can definitely make you look better.
- who needs - Men who suffer from pimples or 'blackheads', men with oily skin.
- who can - Those who need eyebrow arrangement for 'one-cheeked', (and also for those who are stressed and want something relaxing...).
- when should we come - The day before, not at the last minute because sometimes the treatment causes redness that takes a few hours to go away. On the other hand, don't come more than two days before either, because the effect has expired.
When to go to the hairdresser
In special cases, a beautician will not be enough and you also need to go to a special makeup artist who can invest and achieve results that there is no time and equipment to achieve in the studio.
- Who must - those who have wounds, scars, spots, freckles, hairs protruding in the face ('coproz'), people who do not have symmetry in the face.
- Who needs it - people with an unusually large part of the face - eyes that are too small or too prominent, a large or uneven nose.
- Who can - important business people, managers who need a special impression, or someone for whom the appearance is very important.
- When to come - right before the photo shoot (one to two hours). If it is a long photo session, which will require changes and corrections, it is very useful to bring the make-up artist to the photo location.
Ashkenazi elite
Experienced wild medical beautician
and a make-up artist
Specializing in painless hair removal with SHR technology