How do questions from the audience reduce audience fear? People with a fear of the public who read the title of the article now, surely do not understand how such a paradox can exist. After all, people who are afraid to speak in front of an audience want to go on stage, shoot the text and finish with the 'abuse' as much as possible...
Here's how Or overcame the crowd's fear on the course, and continues to beat it regularly ever since. It's not luck. It's not a coincidence and it's not 'faux': it's the hard work of light and our right techniques. Techniques that not only teach how to perform in front of an audience or overcome audience anxiety,...
A few years ago I wrote an article, which became a collection of techniques for my more ambitious students, on the subject of antifragility in public speaking. The goal was to make speakers totally and completely immune to crowd fear, which is a goal that is very difficult to achieve in other ways. But lately I've been working on…
Fear of crowds can hurt anyone and no one is immune to it. But anyone can handle it. And in this lesson we will get proven tools to reduce anxiety. If you have a more acute fear of crowds than this course treats, we offer a variety of programs...
A few years ago I was in a fascinating lecture on procrastination: why we don't do things we know should be done. The topic interested me very much because, like everyone else, it is difficult for me to go for a run in the morning or write an article, but it interested me professionally because...
How the legendary CEO of Ford and Chrysler overcame the fear of the crowd in 1957 and maintained confidence throughout his life! Conquering public fear is only the beginning. Then you have to preserve this ability. And here is the story of someone who did it for 60 years! …
My name is Eitan Melker, and almost everyone who studied at the public speaking school knows me as the Director of Advocacy: the one who personally and closely fights for the success of each and every student. Almost a decade has passed since the end of my course, and the insights continue to arrive to this day. There is no doubt that the course...
The paradox of crowd fear is all around you. Even in the previous sentence. The paradox is that you can't see the crowd fear. And those who can turn the understanding of this paradox into an emotional ability will feel more confident than others in front of an audience, within a second. What does crowd fear look like...
How to deal with fear of crowds through a solution by solving the problem that caused it to appear Fear of crowds is one of the most common anxieties in the world. It can affect people of all ages, of all genders and from all walks of life. Fear of the public can make it difficult to function...
Distortions of thinking: everyone sees the symptoms in me Symptoms are one of the worst things about fear of crowds. In fact, for most people, they are the second most annoying thing (only the avoidance is more annoying). And one of the most depressing things about symptoms is that you see them on you, meaning that when...
Fear of crowds is a complex phenomenon with many explanations and many reasons. But one of the interesting explanations for its development (which also gives beautiful results in the treatment of our workshops) is the subject of 'thought distortions'. What are thought disorders? According to cognitive-behavioral psychology (CBT) thinking distortions are negative thoughts...
Many people who think they understand fear of crowds (eg because they suffer from it) hold wrong beliefs about it. In the years that I have been teaching public speaking and researching audience anxiety, I have discovered how misleading first impressions and inferences from one private case can be. Sometimes the perceptions...
Treating audience anxiety using the 'upside down' method is a technique that has proven itself in our courses and it relies on one of the features of social phobia - the fact that its sufferers are fully aware that it is irrational (although of course this does not mean they can be overcome…
<Treatment of stage fright using the 'upside down' method is a technique that has proven itself in our courses and it relies on one of the features of social phobia - the fact that those who suffer from it are fully aware that it is irrational (although of course this does not mean that they can overcome it). …
A story about the experience of fear of an audience in front of huge audiences: I wanted to attend a bar association conference yesterday, and thanks to that I arrived early and found myself watching a crisis management master class. It turns out that the singer who sang the anthem at the swearing-in ceremony, Maya Avraham, missed the...
On August 29, 1981, Eric Einstein appeared in Caesarea. For Einstein, then 42 years old, this was the last performance after a career of more than 25 years and hundreds of performances. During the last tour, his team members began to feel that the singer was not comfortable on stage, however...
In the previous list, which dealt with how to find places to practice speaking in front of an audience, we mentioned the topic of lectures in nursing homes: a great place to practice in front of a very inclusive and patient population. Unfortunately, many people have difficulty locating nursing homes and contacting them, so...
Not only drugs help people in fear of crowds, but also other types of substances, and in this article we will look at some types of alternative drugs as well as ‘legal drugs’ like alcohol and coffee. Alternative drugs under this category fall into a collection of types of materials available…
Professor Rafi Carso needs no introduction: a doctor and professor of psychology who became the supreme authority in making medical knowledge accessible to the general public through his programs on radio and television. I just received the recording of the interview I had with him this summer on the topic of fear of crowds. You will find a lot here...
Eric Einstein syndrome is a phenomenon that was discovered in the research of the public speaking school and is named after the late singer. The study revealed that people whose fear of crowds develops at a much later age than in 'normal' cases of fear of crowds, and presents special characteristics to the problem, to people who suffer...
The beginning of the school year is a good opportunity to deal with two points that concern the Israeli education system and everyone who deals with speaking in front of an audience: on the one hand ADHD, and on the other hand Education Minister Shay Piron. And this is because Rabbi Piron is the first Minister of Education...
From our newsletter (to sign up for the newsletter) a few months ago I sent you a list of places where you can practice speaking in front of an audience. This list is important because you can't really improve as a speaker, or overcome fear of an audience, without experimenting in front of people. The previous list (with lots of ideas...
Many times when we see people who get stuck speaking in front of an audience, or when we ourselves feel stuck when we are on stage, we have the feeling that they are at a loss for words, or they have nothing to say. Nothing is further from reality. In the next article we will see solutions to audience anxiety...
Many times when we see people who get stuck speaking in front of an audience, or when we ourselves feel stuck when we are on stage, we have the feeling that they are at a loss for words, or they have nothing to say. Nothing is further from reality. In the previous article we saw how lack of organization...
Many shy children become adults who enjoy speaking in front of an audience and vice versa - many adults who suffer from fear of audiences loved performing, singing and being in the center of things as children. Despite this, many confuse shyness with fear of the public, and apparently it is very easy to confuse them: in both...
Treating audience anxiety using the 'upside down' method is a technique that has proven itself in our courses and it relies on one of the features of social phobia - the fact that its sufferers are fully aware that it is irrational (although of course this does not mean they can be overcome…
Treating audience anxiety using the 'upside down' method is a technique that has proven itself in our courses and it relies on one of the features of social phobia - the fact that its sufferers are fully aware that it is irrational (although of course this does not mean they can be overcome…
Treating audience anxiety using the 'upside down' method is a technique that has proven itself in our courses and it relies on one of the features of social phobia - the fact that its sufferers are fully aware that it is irrational (although of course this does not mean they can be overcome…
The best example of the upside-down method is an episode of Seinfeld in which George decided to do everything the opposite of what he used to do - that if he always ordered a fixed dish at a restaurant, he will now take something he has never tasted (and discovers that it is very tasty), …
Treating audience anxiety using the 'upside down' method is a technique that has proven itself in our courses and it relies on one of the features of social phobia - the fact that its sufferers are fully aware that it is irrational (although of course this does not mean they can be overcome…
Every speaker's worst nightmare came true for Rick Perry last Monday. Perry, the governor of the state of Texas and a promising candidate for the presidency participated that evening in a debate against six other candidates and at the climax of his speech announced that he intended to close if elected three...
For those looking for a place to practice speaking in front of an audience, here are some ideas for places where you can practice speaking in front of an audience even when it's not part of your regular job. Networking meetings Focus groups at work Support groups Family meetings Parties and organizations Synagogue 1. With us...
Dynamic psychological therapy is a general name for therapy where the goal is to discover the unconscious causes of the problem, assuming that understanding the problem will lead to solution and coping. This is the type of treatment that appears a lot in movies, when the patient is lying on a couch (in psychoanalytic therapy) or sitting in front of…
Following September 11, there were a lot of police officers walking around New York who had undergone severe emotional trauma (firefighters were less traumatized, because most of them were killed in the attack). The City of New York and the NYPD decided that even their tough cops needed help to avoid developing post-traumatic syndromes and sent every cop who signed up for treatment...
The main and significant advantage of the course compared to behavioral therapy (and all other psychological treatments) lies in the fact that it takes place in a group, so the coping is more real, and the success is also more convincing. Beyond that, the course has several additional advantages over behavioral therapy - the reflection from the outside,...
The behavioral approach is based on the premise that by changing thinking patterns and behavior patterns it is possible to change emotional patterns, thus solving problems effectively. The assumption is that personality develops through positive and negative experiences, and by understanding and correctly managing those experiences (or at least the perception of them)...
This series of articles examines different types of treatment for fear of crowds and social anxiety Naomi (pseudonym) is a young engineer with 4 years of experience, who suffered from fear of crowds from childhood. During her degree studies, she was exposed to the various methods of treating audience anxiety and tried them all (students receive...
For those who suffer from fear of crowds in sharp attacks, and who do not have the time or patience to wait several weeks for the effect of anti-anxiety drugs or the course to treat crowd anxiety, there are sedatives. Their use helps in the short term to reduce symptoms of anxiety, but it makes the user...
Modern medicine includes several types of treatment for social anxiety and fear of crowds. It is important to emphasize that all of them treat the symptoms and none of them cures the user of his fear. Today there are many drugs that are equivalent to paracetamol that will lower the fever and soothe the pain, but...
Drugs from the SSRI group require a prescription, and their use should be done after consulting a doctor. The information below is provided for general information only. General background Serotonin is the substance in the brain responsible for mood regulation and especially for feeling good. Serotonin deficiency has been shown to be associated with a variety of…