How can Netanyahu (or any other leader) overturn all the ruling orders and still get the support of the majority of the people? With the help of rhetoric of hesitation and insecurity! I want to argue that Netanyahu could - and maybe still can (!) - win the support of the center and even the left in the legislation...
So here is your winning tip for the conclusion that the audience raises their heads and remembers, and it comes to you courtesy of my (and probably yours) math teacher from the 4th and 11th grade. remember her? Mine was called Dorina - yours by a different name - and she would talk and talk,...
Mezi Cohen sings about "beautiful words without cover" as a reference to the way in Hebrew the high language is considered unreliable and unreal. In contrast, Idan Reichel sings about how difficult it is sometimes to find words more beautiful than these. Those who will be able to express exactly our thought. what…
My Facebook is full of friends who argue with each other. yours too? The truth is that it makes sense - the situation is tense, people are killed, alarms, anxiety. And so do statements that sound reasonable every day - for example, that in a defensive war civilians will be killed, or that civilians being killed is bad even if...
Before the article: If you have not participated in our course, this article is for you. You should read it and then practice because the technique is a bit difficult to understand but easy to apply.. If you did participate in the course, and you are a graduate, I recommend that you remember what we learned about a tentative answer as a coping technique...
In the last two years, I had the privilege of teaching Ethiopian students, who reminded me of some extraordinary techniques for improving persuasiveness in front of an audience, and which could help each of us speak weaker, but better. The way of speaking of the older Ethiopians (with the younger ones it is different. I have...
What to find out before a speech? One of the few advantages a novice speaker has over a seasoned politician or salesman is a better fit with the audience. A constant problem of politicians and salespeople who are used to presenting a fixed speech to changing audiences is that they find it difficult to adapt, and sometimes...
Mahmoud Abbas' (Abu Mazen) speech at the UN in September 2011 is a classic example of speaking in front of a supportive and sympathetic audience while mobilizing their support and making a minimal attempt to convince them. In the article Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, I wish to extend my congratulations to …
One thing is common to the two speeches given this week at the UN by Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen): neither of them spoke to the other side. Both of them spoke as representing their people to the world public opinion, and neither of them bothered at all...
Many years ago, I lived in the USA when my father served as a messenger in the Rochester New York congregation. As such, I was exposed to many representatives who came from Israel to do 'hasbarah', and unfortunately I must say that even then I was not impressed. Somehow almost every time when my dad allowed me to join the lecture of…
Steve Jobs, who passed away on Friday, is considered one of the greatest speakers in the computing world and perhaps in the business world in general. A story about him having a supernatural power to create a "reality distortion field" that anyone who enters is automatically convinced of the greatness of his products. In another article I dealt with presentation techniques...
Bibi gives an instructive lesson in how to speak to one audience - the UN General Assembly, and actually target a completely different audience - the voters in Israel and the Likud center, American public opinion, and Obama's pollsters. This is a very dangerous strategy, but Netanyahu had little to lose and a lot to gain,...
Bibi gives an instructive lesson on how to speak to one audience - the UN General Assembly, and actually target a completely different audience - the voters in Israel and the Likud center, American public opinion and Obama pollsters. This is a very dangerous strategy, but Netanyahu had little to lose and much to gain. …
In the previous article we looked practically at demagoguery and the techniques to use it and resist it. Along with this, there is a need for a more in-depth analysis of a theory about demagoguery, and in particular it is necessary to examine the definition used in the previous article ('simplistic, one-sided and emotional rhetoric') in comparison...
Ironically, the common use of the word demagoguery is "a speech I don't agree with, but it's m-m-s good". Even more ironically, almost always the accusation 'you are a demagogue' towards someone is a demagogic statement in itself (we will explain shortly). In fact, using the phrase 'demagoguery' that came up in the study...
Time Magazine is one of the most pro-Israeli magazines out there. The foreign desk is also full of Jewish reporters, the offices on Manhattan's Seventh Avenue, and a readership concentrated in the liberal coastal states of the United States. But in recent months you can see a bitter tone creeping in...
So after reviewing the problems facing Israeli advocacy, it's time to also present some possible solutions to improve Israeli advocacy abroad. I'm not an expert in TV strategies or the subject of social networks, so I won't focus on these issues, although there is clearly a need for an upgrade...
One of Israel's main problems in the field of advocacy is that we see everything from our perspective, as Henry Kissinger once said - "Israel does not have a foreign policy but only a domestic policy that is operated outside. What Kissinger did not say is that in the United States and other countries, Israel...
On January 20, 2009, on a cold and historic winter day, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Like previous presidents he also gave his most important speech, possibly the most important speech of his life. This speech is the brainchild of one of the speakers...
This group of logical fallacies differs from the other groups in that they are not necessarily logical fallacies and that each of them has a legitimate use. In other words, the failure here is not in the use of the technique but in the excessive use of the technique. Nor is refuting these failures necessarily refuting their use...
These fallacies are of the worst kind, and the most difficult to identify Fallacies of lack of causal connection is a family of logical fallacies in which it is claimed that one thing caused another thing while there is no causal connection between them. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc - together and therefore because...
Inferring from wrong information Anecdotal evidence - relying on a single case One of the simplest failures is to rely on a private case as proof. For example: quot;There are many proofs that God exists and still performs miracles today. Just last week I read about a girl who was dying of cancer. every…
A popular saying that appears a lot in second-rate American comedies says 'If you can't convince them - confuse them' (If you can't convince them - confuse them) and really many speakers use logical fallacies to confuse the discussion when they feel they have no way to win...
What is a logical fallacy? A logical fallacy is a statement that pretends to be logical without complying with the rules of logic. The better the logical fallacy is disguised, and the more difficult it is to notice, the more dangerous it becomes (or more effective, depending on your position) and requires a greater effort in exposure. It is important …
Argumentum ad hominem - personal attack Argumentum ad hominem in literal translation is "argument aimed at the person". There are two forms. The first is the insulting form. If you refuse to accept an argument, and you justify your refusal by criticizing the person who made the argument, then you...
This group of logical fallacies includes some of the crudest manipulations, used by those who really have no rational arguments. It is almost impossible to use these fallacies 'accidentally' and therefore when you encounter a speaker who uses them you can assume ill will. Argumentum ad nauseam - repetition over and over again...
Public speaking is essentially one-way communication from the speaker to the audience. Mostly, but not all. The audience does respond to what is said and a good speaker must adapt to the audience's attitudes to improve his style and content. Therefore there is a great advantage for the speaker in knowing...
Reading the body language of the audience is one of the only skills in the field of rhetoric that can be learned only by watching it. It is not necessary to make a speech but it is enough to look at the audience while someone else is speaking to understand the audience's body language. In 1996, when I was just released from the army and before I started working...
Language is the way humans (and other animals) communicate feelings and intentions. It was created with the aim of allowing animals to send messages to their own kind (for example, 'Here's food', 'I'm interested in sex' or 'Let's run away') and also to other animals (for example, 'If you come near my puppies/children I...
In the previous articles we dealt with how to read the audience and understand what it transmits. This article explains what to do and how to behave when we understand what the audience feels. This page describes four common situations in which the audience's behavior differs from expectations, and for each of these situations...
Most of the literature that deals with body language while speaking in front of an audience focuses on the speaker. In the following articles I want to turn the spotlight in the opposite direction to the audience, and see how the body language of the audience allows the speaker to improve his speech and adapt it to the audience and his changing mood. Importance...
Articles on fear of an audience to reduce the meaning of failure for a speech in English Fear of an audience - understand and solve tips for dealing locally with audience anxiety The difference between a speech and a dialogue that lowers expectations Stories of fear of an audience Maintaining and improving confidence in front of an audience Style and performance Practice in the video to articulate...
Most of the literature that deals with body language while speaking in front of an audience focuses on the speaker. In the following articles I want to turn the spotlight in the opposite direction to the audience, and see how the audience's body language allows the speaker to improve his speech and adapt it to the audience and his changing mood. There…
Greeting a friend, a relative or an event should be a light and non-binding thing, and this is exactly what stresses so many people. On the one hand, you have to make an effort for it to turn out well, on the other hand, you must not be seen as someone who is making an effort. There is the difficulty of navigating between being informal on the part of...
When we come to analyze a speech, especially a masterpiece like the historic speech of the American president at Cairo University (the only academic institution in the Arab world ranked among the top 1,000 universities in the world, by the way) we need to see the goals that the speaker set for himself, and then examine the way...
When we come to analyze a speech, especially a masterpiece like the historic speech of the American president at Cairo University (the only academic institution in the Arab world ranked among the top 1,000 universities in the world, by the way) we need to see the goals that the speaker set for himself, and then examine the way...
When we come to analyze a speech, especially a masterpiece like the historic speech of the American president at Cairo University (the only academic institution in the Arab world ranked among the top 1,000 universities in the world, by the way) we need to see the goals that the speaker set for himself, and then examine the way...
Menachem Begin's speech in Kings of Israel Square on the eve of the 1981 elections is a classic example of a contradictory speech. The speech ignited party activists and brought great motivation in the last two days of the elections, and helped Likud achieve a narrow majority. A rhetorical analysis of Begin reacting to a speech given in Arab square...
One of John Kennedy's great speeches was presented in West Berlin on a bright summer day in late June 1962. The young president arrives in divided and besieged Berlin and delivers a speech to its residents about their situation and their rights. Kennedy uses a well-known and effective technique of understatement to strengthen...
Many of the articles about Barack Obama and the change of power between him and George Bush include a comparison with Roosevelt's entry into office in 1933. Even then, the United States and the world were in the midst of a deep economic crisis and the incumbent president (Republican Hoover) seemed powerless. Like today, even then...