Interview: A Winning Tip for Overcoming Anxiety Disorder
From an interview on Channel 10:
Naama Kesari: "Many of us are familiar with the situation: entering a new place surrounded by people whom most of us don't know, and if we also have to give a speech, then anyway, there are some who need to be hospitalized!... Does this happen to everyone?"
Guy Yariv: "No. This happens to a little more than two-thirds of the people who have some degree of anxiety, while in about a quarter of the people it is a real anxiety disorder, what is called in the professional languageSocial phobia‘.
A winning tip from the interview:
Guy: "Smile for a moment, you too, all the photographers, and the editors and the team there behind the glass and you too there at home. forward." [Everyone smiles]. "And now notice how all of a sudden you all feel better, without anything actually happening. You weren't smiling because something happy happened. You only smiled because I asked, and still it affected your feeling. So this is an example of one technique out of many, from the field of behavioral psychology, that we use in an anxiety workshop our"